Autism Spectrum People and Religion Research Group



ASPARRG emerged from a joint initiative by staff at the University of Aberdeen and Cardiff University to establish an inter-disciplinary network of academics and practitioners with a common interest in the many ways in which matters of religion/spirituality and the spectrum of autism conditions may intersect. Its members come from fields as diverse as anthropology, history of religions, psychiatry, nursing and health care, practical and disability theology, ethics and ICT, literary and cultural criticism and autism research. The Group normally meets at least once a year.

In 2009 a double issue of the Journal of Religion, Disability and Health, on the subject of 'Autism and Religion', was the first published outcome of two workshops, funded by the British Academy, during 2007-2008.

A Seminar Day on 'Autism, Religion and Spirituality' is planned for 5th October 2013 at the University of Glasgow.


Page revised 02 July 2013
by Ruth Dunster.